Armaan Arora: The Budding Singer, Lyricist and a beguiling Influencer!

Armaan Arora: The Budding Singer Lyricist and a beguiling Influencer!

Armaan Arora is an upcoming and already viral desi Punjabi Pop and R&B Singer, Composer, Lyricist and Actor. Presently, this promising influencer is at the heights of success that any singer dreams about.

To make a name in the music industry is the hardest among the budding influencers but for influencer – Armaan Arora, it has been an enthralling journey. He hails from Faridkot, India and began singing since he was in the 12th Standard. He used to participate in school functions and earned a name for himself. Soon he began releasing his own music videos on YouTube and started getting a good response and there was no turning back ever since. So far he has released 5 songs and his latest number is called Black Collection which was released a few days back on youtube by Doss Music. The song has already garnered around 4 Lakh views in such a short time; showing the caliber of this young influencer. He Penned More Than 10 Tracks For Bollywood as well as Pollywood Singers.

However, being a Singer and Lyricist is different than what people understand of the career, itself. Armaan is someone who, through his songs and videos, sells an emotion and launches the latest trend which he thinks would be a hit among the teenagers.

Armaan’s talent was discovered by his father, a humble businessman who gave total freedom to him when it came to choosing what to do in life. Armaan had a tough childhood and never had anyone to count on in the whole music industry. Although he had no backup, social media played a huge role in getting this influencer name and fame! Armaan’s Instagram handle boasts of more than 40K followers in such a short time! And why not! His posts are full of unique content in the form of videos, photographs that include motivational talk too. The teenagers no doubt seem to have connected with this prodigy in the music world.

Armaan Arora at this tender age shows traces of reaching new heights of success. He already has the teenagers in his grasp with his raps. He knows just right how to make people roll on music. He is gradually becoming an upcoming brand of music and nothing can stop his rising stardom!

A budding Entrepreneur and an Influencer, Armaan Arora is a hustler and believes that it is through his hustle that he managed to get where he is today. In many of his live sessions on Instagram, he has accepted to be a product of sheer fortitude. He says, “I want to inspire more and more teenagers to do what they want to but with 100% efforts so that they don’t have to compromise on their dreams”.


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